Curriculum Vitae


  • Ealaíontóir maoinithe ag Ealaín na Gaeltachta (Scéim Sparántachta d'Ealaíontóirí, 2021, Oíche Chultúir 2021, 2022, 2023, Scéim Forbairt na nEalaíon, 2023). Éire Ildánach, 2021 agus Cruinniú na nÓg, 2022. Maoinithe ag Comhairle Chontae Dhún na nGall, 2011, Comhairle Chathrach B.Á.C., 2011 Comhairle Cathrach Luimnigh, 1999. Buaiteoir Gradam 'Arts@DIT', 2010. Caibidil faoi mo shaothar ealaíne foilsithe sa leabhar 'The Performing Subject in the Space of Technology' Palgrave Macmillan, Londain, 2015.
  • Bunaitheoir agus Stiúrthóir Ealaíne don chomhchoiteann ealaíona 'Samhlaigh Arts Collective,' (2022-'23). Tionscadail is déanaí: 'Tuatha na n-Ealaíon' - féile bheag bhídeach ealaíona i gcomhair le Féile Mháire an Chlochán Léith. Mar pháirt don thionscadal seo, d'obair mé mar coimeádaí, stiúrthóir ealaíne agus ealaíontóir. Bhí 500+ freastalaí ar an imeacht 'Siúlóid Lán Ghealaí' agus bhí 120/lá freastalaí ar an dtaispeántas 'Athcheangal leis an Dúlra.' 'IGNITE!' Taighde gnímh i gcomhair le Artlink don Staidéar Féidearthachta Féile Ealaíne Inis Eoghain, 2023. D'obair Samhlaigh le eagraíochtaí phobail eágsula ( 'Downstrands FRC', 'Dunfanaghy FRC', 'Playmatters' agus 'Rosses CDP') chun tionscadail ealaín agus folláine a chuir ar fáil le maoiniú ó Éire Shláintiúil, 2022. D'obair muid le Teach na mBócht, Dún Fionnachaidh, ar togra do dheagóirí ar son 'Cruinniú na nÓg', 2022.
  • Bainisteoir (Feidhmeannach Cultúrtha & Turasóireachta), Amharclann Ghaoth Dobhair. Bhí sé de chúram orm clár oibre turasóireachta chultúrtha agus ealaíon a fhorbairt, a bhainistiú agus a riaradh, chomh maith le iarratais a scríobh. (2019)
  • Príomh Comhordaitheoir san Iarthuaisceart don Fhéile 'First Fortnight.' Is féile ealaíne náisiúnta í seo atá dírithe ar dheireadh a chuir le stiogma meabhairshláinte. (2019-'22).
  • Príomh Comhordaitheoir ar tionscadal 'East Meets West Donegal–Donegal's Cultural Heritage and Traditions Meet', (2013). Maoinithe ag 'Coiste Idirnáisiunta na hÉireann' (€80k). Thug an tógra seo seans do dhá eagraíochtaí forbartha pobail (Ionad an Mhachaire agus na 'East Donegal Ulster Scots') teacht le chéile ag amharc ar an gceangail atá eatarthú fríd imeachtaí éagsúla, mar shampla: comhdháíl staire, ceolchoirm, ócáidí shóisialta, tumchonaí scéalaíochta, siúlóidí oidhreachta srl. Bhí léarscáileanna, leabhar oidhreachta agus bileoga turasóireachta foilsithe fosta. Bhí dualgas cúram airgid orm sa phost seo.
  • Bunaitheoir don chomhlacht 'Comhcheol Arts & Wellness' agus 'Donegal Yoga Retreats,' (2016). Laithreoir íoga, ceoil, ealaíona, teicneolaíochta, cneasú fuaime agus folláine. Cliaint san áireamh: Bord Oideachais agus Oiliúna Dhún na nGall, Leabharlanna Contae Dhún na nGall, Líonra Leitir Ceanainn, Pleanáil Teanga na Rosann, 'Connecting for Life Donegal,' Rannóg na Gaeilge, DLDC, Comhpháirtaíocht Spóirt Dhún na nGall srl.
  • Comhbhunaitheoir LÁMHA (Life Affirming Mental Health Action), 2016. D'eagraigh LÁMHA imeachtaí meabhairshláinte in iarthar Chontae Dhún na nGall. (Tacaithe ag DLDC agus Éire Shláintiúil.) Chuamar fríd na meanscoileanna leis an togra 'Beoga,' (cúrsa íoga, ealaín & meabhairshláinte).
  • Oifigeach Ceoil agus Cultúrtha, Ionad Naomh Pádraig, Dobhair. (2014-16). Dualgaisí an phoist: Bainisteoireacht Stiúideo Cuisle Ceoil (taifeadadh ceoil, léiriú ceoil agus físeán srl.), Teagascóir Ceoil, Imeachtaí Cúltúrtha, Meáin Digiteach, Dearadh Grafach srl.

Sonraí Breise


  • Obair le déanaí: 'I gCuideachta leis an gCailleach' suiteán meán méascaithe i dTeach Niall Ó Domhnaill le Oíche Áirneáil faoi théama na Caillí. (Oíche Chultúir, 2023)'Na Bandéithe' suiteán meán méascaithe mar pháirt don thaispeántas 'Athcheangal leis an Dúlra', sa chlár ealaíne 'Tuatha na nEalaíon', (Féile Mháire an Chlochán Léith, 2023), Gearrscannáin: 'Macalla Cholmcille' (maoinithe ag Éire Ildánach, 2022), 'Síle na gCíoch ar an Trá' (Oíche Chultúir, 2022), 'An Caol Áit' (PRONI, 2022). Tionscadail ealaíon atá rannpháirteach go sóisialta: 'Playful Body - Creativity Self' ceardlann meán méascaithe, IGNITE!, taighde gnímh (déanta i gcomhair le Artlink, 2023), 'Fís Feasa' (maoinithe fríd Cruinniú na nÓg, 2022), 'Filleadh Cholmcille' (maoinithe fríd First Fortnight, 2022). 'Féilire an Mhachaire', 2012.
    Taispeántais san áireamh: 'Imaginary Windows', 2021. 'Donegal Femlens' (Artlink Bun Cranncha & Iarsmalann an Chontae) 2022, 'Project Arts Centre', 2010, 'The LAB' (Rannóg Ealaíne Cathair B.Á.C.), 'Broadcast Gallery', an Árdeaglais 'Christ Church,' 2011.
  • Stiúthóir agus dearadh fuaime don drámaíocht 'Mo Bhagáiste' scríofa agus curtha i láthair ag Pól Ó Gallachóir. (IMRAM, 2021, Féile Mháire an Chlochán Léith, 2019). Dearadh fuaime agus grafach don dráma nua-scríofa 'An Madadh Míre', a bhuaigh trí duaiseanna san Fhéile Náisiúnta Dramaíochta, 2019.
  • Chuir mé córas nuacheaptha darbh ainm an 'Body Response System' (BRS) le chéile fá choinne mo staidéar dochtuireachta. Oibríonn an BRS mar stáitse idirghníomhach, a chuireann leiriú ilmheánach ar siúil nuair atá damhsóir/aisteoir ag bogadh ar an stáitse. Tharla imeachtaí taispeantais éagsúla leis an mBRS i mBaile Átha Cliath, sa 'Project Arts Centre', an 'The LAB' (Rannóg Ealaíne B.Á.C.), an gailearaí 'Broadcast', an Árdeaglais 'Christ Church' san áireamh, 2010-'11.
  • Comhchumadóir agus leirtheoir teicniúil fá choinne saothar amharclainne idirghníomhach do pháistí le 'Súgradh Arts & Media', maoinithe ag Féile an Fhómhair, Dún na nGall, (2011).
  • Ceoltóir le 'Fracas' agus 'Wee Small Gods'. Bhí muid ag seinm in áiteanna éagsúla, mar shampla 'Electric Picnic', 'Vantastival', 'Liú Lunasa', 'Whelans', 'The Sugarclub', 'The Cobblestone' srl. Thug muid tacaíocht do ghrúpaí cosúil le Jerry Fish, Kila, Dervish srl., agus scríobh muid amhráin i nGaeilge agus i mBéarla, 2001-'16.
  • Coimeádaí agus ealaíontóir rannpháirteach,'Banríonacht', féile ealaíne a bhunaigh mé in Árdeaglais Mhuire, Cathair Luimnigh, 1999.
  • Déantóir Tacaithe Amharclainne le Macnas, 1998.


  • Taighdeoir Ph.D in Ealaíon, Ceol agus na Meáin Digiteacha ar tionscadal darbh ainm 'Body-Responsive Media Environments' in Institúid Teicneolaíocht Átha Cliath tar éis scoláireacht a bheith bronnta orm (páirtaimseartha) 2006 – '11.
  • Céim Máistreacht (1.1) i dTeichneolaíocht Ceoil agus na Meáin Digiteach ó gColáisté na Trionóide, B.Á.C., 2004.
  • Céim Gradam (2.1) agus Dioplóma (2.1) in Mínealaíon (Dealbhóireacht), Scoil Ealaíne & Dearadh Luimnigh, 1998, 1999.
  • Teastas i na Meáin Digiteach agus Dearadh Cruthaitheach ó City & Guilds, 2002.
  • Ard Teist 1994 – Gaeilge (Ard) B2, Béarla (Ard) A1, Matamaitic A1, Ealaíon (Ard) A2, Eacnamaíocht Baile (Ard) A2, Eolaíocht (Ard) B1 agus Gearmáinis (Ard) B1.


  • Scríobh mé caibidil faoi mo shaothar ealaíne fhéin, atá foilsithe sa leabhar 'The Performing Subject in the Space of Technology', 2015. Pléitear comhoibriú agus rannpháirteachas sna ealaíona cruthaitheacha sa caibidil seo.
  • Buaiteoir Gradam 'ArtStap' fá choinne Taighde Ealaíne, 2012.
  • Ailt éagsúla foilsithe ó 2005-'15. 'Reappraising the Disappearing Body and the Disembodied Eye through Multisensory Art' san áireamh, foilsithe i 'Crossings eJournal of Art and Technology.'
  • Láithreoir ag comhdhálacha acadúla eagsúla 'Somatics and Technology Conference' (Chichester), 'Dance Research Forum', (Doire), agus 'Dancing with Fire Symposium' (Coláiste na Trionóide, B.Á.C.), 2012.


  • Comhúdar agus teagascóir le 'Beoga (Dearcadh Dearfach do Dhaoine Óga)'. Is meascán do síceolaíocht agus íoga an tionscnamh seo. Chuamar fríd na meanscoileanna ag teagasc scileanna folláine do dhéagóirí.
  • Comhordaitheoir Dhún na nGall ar scéim státmhaoinithe 'Digital Skills for Citizens' 2017-'19.
  • Láithreoir le 'Donegal Mind Wellness' ar chúrsa laghdú strus (2018-'20).
  • Muinteoir Ceoil agus Ealaíne i bpoist éagsúla Déagoirí i gcoras na bpriosúin, Scoil Speisialta Naomh Labhrás, B.Á.C. (2004). Páistí atá uathachas orthu, Scoil Speisialta Naomh Pól, B.Á.C. (2004-'06). Daoine faoi mhíchumas, Ionad Gníomhaíochta Lae, An Chúlóg, B.A.C, 1997.
  • Múinteoir teicneolaíochta, na ilmheáin, físeán, dearadh & códáil i bpoist éagsúla, Campa Folláine Samhraidh, 'Cross Border Film Club', Club Óige Dhobhair, Oideachas do Dhaoine Fásta (ETB) san áireamh.


  • Ionadaí Co. Dhún na nGall don 'Positive Birth Movement' domhanda, 2018-'20.
  • Iriseóir Poiblí don togra Eorpach 'Ladder'. Piocadh mé mar ionadaí do Éireann i Strasbourg, 2017.
  • Piocadh mé le páirt a glacadh ar thuras taighde síochána go dtí na Balkans, sa togra 'Hands of History' le Comhairle Chontae Dhún na nGall, 2013.
  • Bunaitheoir 'Grúpa Tachráin an Mhachaire', agus eagarthóir ó 2009-'19.
  • Comhbhunaitheoir 'The Digital Arts Society', Coláiste na Trionóide, B.Á.C, 2004.
  • Comhbhunaitheoir agus bainisteoir imeachtaí, 'The Defective Collective' (Comhfhiontar do ghrupaí ceoil), B.Á.C, 2001-'04.
  • Teastas i bhFeasacht Meabhairshláinte, QQI Leibhéal 6, 2021
  • Thosaigh mé cúrsa Gaeilge TEG (C1) i 2020, ach stopadh é le linn na dianghlasála.
  • Cneasú Fuaime le 'Sound Healing Academy', 2020.
  • Bunchúrsa Teiripe Chognaíoch Iompraíochta (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/CBT), 2018.
  • Forbairt agus Traenáil ('Train the Trainer'), QQI Leibhéal 6, 2018.
  • Cáilithe mar Teagascóir Íoga, Íoga Toircheas san áireamh
  • Cúrsaí eagsúla a chlúdaidh Ceol, Ealaíon, Scileanna Beatha, Sláinte Meabhrach, Íoga, Coimirce Léanaí, Traenáil i gCuimsiú Daoine le Míchumas srl. 


ARTS EXPERIENCE (Non-Chronological Highlights)

  • Multidisciplinary, Socially-Engaged Artist and Festival Coordinator funded by Ealaíon na Gaeltachta (Scéim Sparántachta d'Ealaíontóirí, 2021, Oíche Chultúir (2021, '22, '23), Scéim Forbairt na nEalaíon, 2023). Other funders have included Cruinniú na nÓg (2022), Creative Ireland (2021), First Fortnight Festival and The National Office for Suicide Prevention (2021-'22), Donegal County Council (2011), Dublin City Council (2011), and Limerick City Council (1999),
  • Relational Works in Movement with the Body Response System, a chapter about Coleman's multimedia work published in 'The Performing Subject in the Space of Technology' (Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2015). The chapter discusses the Body Response System (BRS), an interactive system developed as part of her doctoral research. The system responded to physical movement with audio and video and was designed through feedback from a variety of user groups (incl. children on the autism spectrum, teenagers and professional dancers). The BRS was used in a variety of improvised performaces that blurred the lines between performers and audience.
  • Arts@DIT Award Winner (2010). Awarded the ARTStap Title Award for Arts Research (2012).
  • Founder and Artistic Director of Samhlaigh Arts Collective (2022-'23). Samhlaigh have collaborated with a variety of community organisations to deliver a number of arts festival, action research and arts and wellbeing projects. Major collaborations include Mary from Dungloe International Arts Festival and Artlink, Fort Dunree. Other collaborating Donegal organisations have included Downstrands FRC, Dunfanaghy FRC, The Workhouse Dunfanaghy, Playmatters, Maghrey Senior Social Club and Rosses CDP.
  • Tuatha na n-Ealaíon - "A Wee Small Arts Festival in association with the Mary from Dungloe International Arts Festival." The Irish language arts programme included a contemporary art show, a major outdoor children's art event, children's art workshops, live art, music and storytelling. Coleman worked as artistic director, curator, coordinator, contributing artist and facilitator. Website:
  • Inishowen Arts Festival Feasibility Study, Samhlaigh Arts Collective partnered with Artlink on this project, funded through the Arts Council Capacity Building Fund. The action research brief was fulfilled by IGNITE!, a weekend of participative arts workshops that blended the expertise of a multidisciplinary team, to engage with the community of Inishowen to activate their innate creative impulses. Reflections on IGNITE! were contextualised with public and participant feedback and incorporated into a full research report available at
  • Filleadh Cholmcille was a socially-engaged art, video and music project co-created with students from Pobalscoil Ghaoth Dobhair and funded by the National Office for Suicide Prevention (Connecting for Life Donegal) through the First Fortnight festival (2021 -'22). Filleadh Cholmcille Website & Video
  • Fís Feasa was a socially engaged heritage, storytelling and video-making project made with young people in West Donegal. It involved a collaboration with The Workhouse Dunfanaghy and Irish language storyteller Aodh Mac Gairbheá. Funded by Donegal County Council and featured as part of Cruinniú na nÓg, 2022. Youtube Link
  • Regional Coordinator for First Fortnight Festival (2019-'22). This national festival is focussed on removing mental health stigma through engagement in the arts and is now well established on the Donegal calendar. The 2021 festival programmed more regional events than ever before and Coleman was responsible for the coordination of numerous live events across Donegal, Sligo, Roscommon and Mayo, which were rescheduled as online events.
  • Lead Coordinator of East Meets West DonegalDonegal's Cultural Heritage and Traditions Meet, (2013). This cross-community project brought two communities (West Donegal Gaeltacht and East Donegal Ulster Scots) together to explore their interconnected cultural heritage. This IFI funded project (€80k) involved a conference, concerts, social events, heritage brochures, trail activities and cultural workshops. Duties included event and project management, liaising with project partners and funders, report writing, bookkeeping, graphic design, administration, and the recruitment of participants, facilitators, performers, speakers etc.
  • Manager of Amharclann Ghaoth Dobhair. Duties included developing, delivering and managing of an Irish language arts programme, as well as a cultural tourism strategy for the only Gaeltacht-based Irish language theatre in Ireland (2019).
  • Founder of Comhcheol Arts & Wellness and Donegal Yoga Retreats, (2016). These companies have been tailoring arts and wellbeing experiences that blend art-making, drumming, singing, technology, yoga, sound healing and wellbeing workshops and events since 2016. Clients have included Donegal ETB, Donegal County Libraries, Líonra Leitir Ceanainn, Pleanáil Teanga na Rosann, Rannóg na Gaeilge Dhún na nGall, Donegal Local Development Company, Donegal Sports Partnership etc.
  • Music and Cultural Officer, Ionad Naomh Pádraig (2014-'16). Responsibilities included running of Stiúideo Cuisle Ceoil (recording and production of music and video), Music Teaching, Cultural Event Management, Graphic Design, Social Media etc.
  • Co-founder of the Digital Arts Society, Trinity College Dublin (2004).
  • Co-founder and events manager, The Defective Collective (Band collective), Dublin (2001-'04).

ARTS PRACTICE (Additional Details)

  • Current Works in Progress: I gCuideachta leis an gCailleach, art installation and 'Oíche Airneáil' planned for Oíche Chultúir, 2023. An Cailleach Ársa, an Irish language art film reflecting on the primordial mother goddess of Ireland, with original soundtrack. Leabhar na Caillí a bilingual photo-essay art book to accompany the film. Website:
  • Selected Installations: Na Bandéithe: Ainnir, Máthair, Cailleach, mixed media installation, Tuatha na nEalaíon/Mary from Dungloe International Arts Festival, 2023. I mBéal na hUaighe, mixed media installation, Banríonacht, Limerick, (1999). Cell for You and I, mixed media installation, LSAD Degree Show, (1999). Dream Cocoon, mixed media installation, LSAD Diploma Show, (1999).
  • Selected Art Films: Macalla Cholmcille (38 mins). Looks at Colmcille story through the lens of the arts. Funded by Pleanáil Teanga na Rossan and Creative Ireland, (2021). Síle na gCíoch ar an Trá (16 mins). Short documentary on an improvised performance and beach art work made in collaboration with NCCWN - Donegal Women's Network, funded by Ealaín na Gaeltachta. Featured in Oíche Chultúir, (2021).
    An Caol Áit (1 min). Reflection on the Irish ancestral connection to land. Made in association with PRONI, and the Nerve Centre, Derry, (2022).
  • Selected Multimedia Performances: Goitse! Improvised interactive dance and multimedia performance with Emma Meehan, Quantified Self (curated by Rachel O'Dwyer),The LAB, Dublin City Arts Office (2010-'11). Freeplay Improvised music, dance and multimedia performances with Seán Óg and Niamh Condron, The Crypt, Christchurch Cathedral (2011). Body Response System Improvised music, dance and multimedia performance with Seán Óg and Emma Martin, Project Brand New, Project Arts Centre, (2010). Dynamic Action System Improvised dance and multimedia performance with Rebecca Walter, O'Reilly Theatre, (2004).
  • Selected Photographic Exhibitions: Imaginary Windows, Group show, Meenacross, Dungloe (2021). Donegal Femlens, touring group exhibition, Artlink, Fort Dunree & Donegal County Museum, (2022).
  • Selected Theatre: Director and Sound Designer for drama Mo Bhagáiste by Pól Ó Gallachóir, IMRAM, Dublin, (2021), Mary from Dungloe International Arts Festival, (2019). Sound and Multimedia Designer for drama An Madadh Míre by Pól Ó Gallachóir. The play won three awards in the Féile Náisiúnta Dramaíochta, (2019). Co-devised The Magic Paintbrush multimedia children's theatre piece for Bluestacks Festival, Donegal, (2011).
  • Selected Music:Drummer, Singer, Songwriter and Multi-instrumentalist with Fracas and Wee Small Gods, playing gigs at the Electric Picnic, Vantastival, Liú Lunasa and in venues such as Whelan's, The Sugarclub, The Cobblestone etc. Supporting acts such as Jerry Fish, Kila, Dervish etc. (2001-'16)
  • Selected Socially Engaged Projects: Devised, coordinated and exhibited in the Banríonacht Arts Project. This involved an installation exhibition and began with a showcase of local performers showing newly devised live art, theatre, music and dance works. Local schools were also involved through storytelling and costume workshops, St. Mary's Cathedral, Limerick, (1999). Maghery 2013 Calendar Digital Design tutor and project coordinator on this community arts project that showcased 12 local amateur photographers. Donegal ETB funded. (2012).
  • Selected Workshops: Yoga Drawing Jam, First Fortnight, (2021), South Tipperary Arts Centre, (2022), Donegal Visual Artists Network, (2023). Playful Body, Creative Self, IGNITE!, (2023). Mandala Mindfulness, South Tipperary Arts Centre, (2022), Cashel Library, (2023), Downstrands FRC, (2023). Habit Hacking and Journaling, South Tipperary Arts Centre, (2022).
  • Prop maker and performer with Macnas, (1998).


  • Ph.D. Candidate, Practice/Research project entitled 'Body-Responsive Media Environments –Aesthetic Experiments in Playful Embodiment', School of Art, Design and Printing, DIT. (2006 –'07, '09 – '11). Masters exam successfully completed, PhD Viva not yet completed.
  • First Class Honours M.Phil. in Music and Media Technology, Trinity College Dublin, (2004).
  • Honours. Degree in Fine Art (Sculpture) from LSAD, 2.1, (1999).
  • Honours Diploma in Fine Art (Sculpture) from LSAD, 2.1, (1998).
  • QQI Level 6 Award in Training and Development (Train the Trainer), (2018).
  • Yoga Alliance 200 hr. Certified Hatha Yoga Teacher, (2016). Yoga Alliance 70 hr. Certified Prenatal / Birth /Postnatal Yoga Teacher, (2017).
  • City and Guilds Certificate in New Media and Creative Design, (2002).
  • Wellbeing/Life Skills Courses: Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Facilitators, Donegal Mind Wellness Stress Control facilitator training, Social Inclusion, Intergenerational training, Child Protection, Managing Challenging Behaviour, Special-Needs Multisensory Training, Sports Inclusion & Disability Awareness, Aware 'Life Skills' Course, 'Mind your Mental Health' Course, Yoga for Sports Module 1. Sound Healing Certificate (Level 1.) TEG (Teastas Eorpach na Gaeltachta) C3 ( In Progress.)
  • Leaving Certificate 1994: 530 points. English (H) A1, Irish (H) B2, Mathematics (O) A1, Art (H) A2, Home Economics S&S (H) A2, Biology (H) B1, German (H) B1.ACADEMIC RESEARCH / WRITING
  • Published a chapter in Palgrave Macmillan book The Performing Subject in the Space of Technology (2015).
  • Published article Reappraising the Disappearing Body and the Disembodied Eye through Multisensory Art in Crossings eJournal of Art and Technology, (2005). This article was awarded the ARTStap Title Award for Arts Research in 2012 and was republished in 'Peripheries', Gorey School of Art (2015).
  • Co-authored Collaborative Performance Making in Goitse, with Emma Meehan. This paper was presented at the Somatics and Technology Conference, Chichester and Dance Research Forum, Derry, (2012).
  • Presented research at Dancing with Fire Symposium, Trinity College Dublin (2012) and with Dublin Art and Technology Association in The Science Gallery, Dublin (2010).
  • Published articles Women, Work and Changing the World and Mental Health – A Local and Global Challenge through the European Ladder Citizen Journalist Project (2018). Chosen to represent Ireland at a Citizen Journalist event in Strasbourg.TEACHING / FACILITATION ROLES
  • Donegal Coordinator, tutor-trainer and tutor on Digital Skills for Citizens, a national government-funded adult education scheme (2017-'19).
  • Facilitator and co-author of Beoga Youth Wellbeing Programme, a wellbeing and resilience skills course for teens.
  • Presenter for Donegal Mind Wellness on their Stress Control Course (2018-'20).
  • Yoga and Wellbeing Teacher to children, families, teens, adults, pregnant mothers, older people, people with mental health difficulties and chronic pain through Comhcheol Arts and Wellness (2016-'20).
  • Art Teacher to children in the prison system, St. Laurence's Special School, Finglas (2004), and to disabled adults at Coolock Day Activity Centre (1997).
  • Music Teacher (whistle, percussion, singing, keyboard) to children on the autism spectrum, St. Paul's Special School, Dublin (2004-'06) and in various community settings, often through Irish (2006-'23).
  • Multimedia/Technology Teacher incl. Animation & Coding to 8-12yr olds on summer camps (2018), and Digital Design to older people (2013).
  • Video & Music Production Tutor with Club Óige Dobhair (2016), Video Production Tutor, Cross-Border Film Club, Balor Theatre, Ballybofey (2007).ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY WORK
  • Co-founder of LÁMHA (Life Affirming Mental Health Action). LÁMHA organised mental health activities in West Donegal, and were funded by Donegal Local Development Company and Healthy Ireland. LÁMHA developed 'Beoga Youth Wellbeing Programme', which taught wellbeing and resilience skills through group work, yoga, art, games and positive psychology. Beoga workshops ran in Pobalscoil Gaoth Dobhair, PCC Falcarragh, Gairmscoil Mhic Diarmada, Arranmore and through Healthy Ireland workshops (2016-'20).
  • Co. Donegal representative for the global Positive Birth Movement (2018-'20).
  • Steering Committee member Rosses/Fintown Community Health Forum (2017-'18).
  • Citizen Journalist on the European Ladder Project. Chosen to represent Ireland in Strasbourg (2017-'18).
  • Committee member for Maghery Women's Week (2016).
  • Chosen to participate in Hands of History, Donegal County Council peace-building research trip to the Balkans (2013).
  • Founded Maghery Toddler Play Group. Facilitated early-years arts activities, funding etc. (2009-'17). 
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